Use Radiators To Heat For The Long Winters

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By Annie Deakin

One of the most effective and efficient ways to heat a home is through the use of radiators. Radiators are very well suited for homes that are located in the northern climates where winters are often cold and long and summers are short and mild. Water is heated in a boiler and either steam or heated water is forced through the system where the radiators serve as heat exchangers. Once the water or steam has given off its heat, it is directed back to the boiler to heat again. Although it takes some time for new users to adjust to the use of radiators, many persons swear by this type of heat.

Radiators bring heat into a room in a couple of ways. One is by infrared heat. There is not a lot of infrared heat, but this is the heat you feel when standing in front of a radiator. Most of the heat is given through convection currents. Air is heated and rises. As the air moves away more cool air is drawn around the the radiators to be heated once again.

Many of the newer systems and most of the European systems are using the newer hot water systems instead of the older steam systems. Europeans began using the hot water systems in the 1970s when Germany made it a law that boilers must operate below 75 degrees Celsius (167 degrees Fahrenheit) even on the coldest day of the year. Since the water in the boiler does not have to be heated to boiling these systems are very efficient for milder days. On colder days the water is heated to warmer temperatures.


These systems heat the water according to the amount of heat that is needed in the home.

Each of the radiators can be fitted with a thermostatic valve that allows for zone heating in the home. Some rooms can be set for freeze protection while others can be held at a warm toasty temperature. Bedrooms can be kept cooler for better sleeping while living areas are comfortable for the day.

The radiators that are used in these systems and much more stylish than the older steam radiators that were made of cast iron. They can be low profile baseboard type heaters that effectively warm a room or one of the many other types or sizes of heat exchangers that are available for each room.

If you are considering a radiator system or a forced air system, there will be a few things you want to keep in mind.

Persons living in areas where summers are long and hot may be better off with the forced air system, since it can be piggybacked with a central air conditioning system. The two systems can use the same blower and duct work. Forced air heat is also a quicker way to raise the temperature in a home. If you lower your thermostat at night, you will be able to bring the house back to temperature quicker with forced air heat. Radiators work best in zones where summers are very mild and winters are long and cold.

About the Author: Annie is an expert furniture and interior design writer. Her current area of specialism is children’s bedding, coffee tables and table sale


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