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The Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning
Brebry Row
Should you own your own business premises, you are likely to be aware of just how important regular maintenance is. Not only can inadequate maintenance routines be potentially dangerous from a health and safety perspective but they can also frequently lead to expensive repairs that could easily have been avoided. One area of maintenance that many business owners put off for longer than they should, is air duct cleaning. As I will now outline, there are a number of reasons why regular air duct cleaning is highly advantageous.
Lower Air Conditioning Bills
One very good reason for not putting off getting your air ducts cleaned is the financial benefit that comes from saving on energy. Due to the fact that your air ducts are obviously responsible for getting cool air into your premises, removing dirt from them allows more cool air to get in while using less energy. Recent estimates suggest that just removing half an inch of dirt from your air ducts can lead to a drop of over twenty percent in the cost of your air conditioning. Considering the low price of air duct cleaning, you may even find that the energy savings that you make are greater than the cost of the job.
Fewer Air Conditioning System Problems
Another way that getting your air ducts regularly cleaned can actually save you money is the fact that nine out of ten times that an air conditioning system fails or breaks down, the cause is that a regular maintenance routine was either never established or incorrectly followed. Considering just how expensive air conditioning systems can be to fix and the cost of replacement parts, reducing how often your air conditioning system breaks down can lead to major savings.
Better Air Quality
As time passes, more and more harmful materials can build up in air ducts. While dust is obviously the main thing that comes to mind, more harmful materials such as mold and mildew, even rodent droppings can accumulate over time. If your air ducts are not regularly cleaned, you are essentially pumping polluted air into your premises. When such particles are inhaled, they can be a major health risk.
A Better Smelling Premises
Failure to adequately clean air ducts can lead to bad odors frequently entering your air supply. Dust, mildew and of course mold can lead to incredibly strong smells that cannot be fixed by any amount of air fresheners. Many people are even unaware that their air ducts need cleaning until they cannot figure out where a particular odor is originating from.
Protection for Those with Allergies
Finally, if any of your employees have allergies, regular air duct cleaning is even more important as those with allergies are very sensitive to poor quality air. If you don\’t want these employees to get ill, you need to provide them with a constant influx of clean air, free of additional allergens, toxins and dust.
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